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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Workout Time of Day

12:22 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
From a health perspective, there is no benefit to working out at one time of day versus another.  There are, however, psychological considerations to ponder when planning your workouts.

One of your coaches MUST workout in the morning to achieve optimum success.  Her theory is that when she works out in the morning, she is motivated all day to stay on plan because she got up too early and worked too hard to waste the effort with a bad food choice.  When she works out at night, not only does her body feel slower and therefore less successful, all day long she knows her workout will be tonight.  That knowledge allows her to more easily "justify" a bad choice with the mantra "I'll just burn this off later".

Your other coach, however, prefers to workout early-mid afternoon once her body has had plenty of time to wake up, and has had some sustenance, but not a full day's worth yet.

Figure out what works best for you personally and stick with it!  ...as long as you're not regularly skipping workouts, you're on a ROLL!


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