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Friday, February 20, 2015

Why Did I *GAIN* Weight?!

10:20 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
Few things are more infuriating than stepping on the scale after a few days of KILLING it with your workout program and eating plan and seeing that number jump UP!
Don't let that moment of frustration throw you off your game!  There is a very good, reasonable explanation...

Your gain can be a result of any combination of the following:

We've all heard it and seen the examples in Middle School Health Class, muscle weighs more than fat.  Roll your eyes if you must, but that doesn't make it any less true.  You're literally transforming your body and turning that unhealthy, unsightly fat we all want to get rid of into productive, lean, dense, beautiful, sexy and healthy MUSCLE.  Let it do it's transformation thing and give it time to balance out the scales.  #puntotallyintended
Caveat: we realize that 1lb of anything is equal to 1lb of anything else. #pointremains

You're likely experiencing at least some muscle soreness after your workouts because you're challenging yourself and constantly stepping it up as needed and able.  When your muscles are sore, it's because they're retaining lactic acid and they're inflamed from being worked so hard.  Don't worry - this is a normal byproduct of muscle metabolism.  It can take up to 5 days for your muscles to fully recover, depending on the intensity of the workout.

Your body is adjusting.  If you're following an eating plan, make sure you're eating ENOUGH and not omitting too many containers or calories.  Your body needs those nutrients and goes into a little bit of a shock mode to make sure it has the energy it  needs.

The Beachbody Blog has more details on this topic and so does this post.

Bottom line, it's normal and okay.  Do NOT let it deter you.  It HAS to work... there is no magic pill to weight loss or getting fit.  The only way to get in shape is eating healthy and working out.  Be patient.  Stay focused.  WORK for it.  It didn't happen overnight, so don't expect it to reverse overnight..  POWER through and focus on making CHANGES - not results.


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