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Friday, March 20, 2015

#Shakeology - The Most Delicious, Nutritious Meal of *ANY* Day

11:03 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
#Shakeology is MUCH more than a typical protein shake,
supplement or meal replacement...
It's literally the healthiest thing you can put in your body, AND it tastes like a #cheatmeal!

It's been clinically proven to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and enhance overall health and fitness.

Here's an example... there are few people who have the emotional connection to Starbucks that I do - or rather, did.  (Okay, so maybe there are a lot of people who fit that description. #pointremains)  Every time we've tried "clean eating" or a new "healthy plan", I'd emotionally prepare to not have my daily latte (or two, plus coffee at home), and physically prepare for the inevitable caffeine headache.  Those intense, pounding headaches would last at least 4-5 days and nothing would fix it until it eventually wore off.  I stopped drinking coffee "cold turkey" on the same day I started drinking #Shakeology and haven't had a *single* caffeine headache OR craving for coffee.  The best part is, the $4.30/day that my monthly #Shakeology costs, is less than how much I was spending on lattes and the occasional store-bought smoothies, and I can feel my body enjoying the nutrition.

Shakeology® is the most delicious, nutrient-dense, superfood-packed protein shake on the planet. It’s made with the healthy stuff you should be eating every day, but typically don’t. Shakeology’s the perfect combination of proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics. Plus, it also contains many rare ingredients, including adaptogens, camu-camu, and maca root—things we can’t get from an ordinary diet. So whether you use Shakeology for weight loss, or drink it to optimize your health, this powerful and delicious shake is Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition®

There are literally THOUSANDS of recipes waiting to become your new favorite.  There are recipes to make your daily shakes and to make nutrient-dense treats/desserts that truly taste like dessert without any of the refined/processed, unhealthy junk.  One of our favorite recipes uses the Chocolate Shakeology and blends it with ice, water, 1/2 frozen banana and 1 tbsp of peanut butter.  It's actually BETTER than a PBC from Cold Stone and is truly the healthiest thing we ingest all day.

Check out this video for more information, or just click here to create your free account and purchase your first month's supply.  (If you're still not sure, look for the sampler packs so you can test a few flavors before committing to one.)



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