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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Special Event Secret

12:06 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
If you're anything like us Italian girls, food is part of any and every celebration.  Or, as we call it, "Sunday".  We live our lives feeling that it's not really a birthday/anniversary/Valentine's Day/Tuesday without a big meal, a table full of pastries, and a (few) bottles of wine.  Those days will pop up for you too while you're on this journey...

Here's our secret...  *whispering* Lean in close... ready?

You can still celebrate with your favorite foods and NOT derail your progress or turn your healthy world upside down!  There are a few guidelines to keep that in check:

  • Get your workout in before your event
  • Very strictly follow your nutritional plan all day leading up to said event
    • That doesn't mean starve yourself and save the calories!  If you do that, you'll be even more likely to truly binge eat at the event, AND your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto every delectable, awful-for-you thing you eat.  
    • Eat normal and healthy and make NO exceptions to the rule that day
  • Enjoy your event!  Eat what you want, but try to take it in moderation.  Cut a smaller slice of that  cheesecake, put extra veggies on your plate next to your baked macaroni, and drink water after every glass of vino
  • Consider a double workout at the end of the night (after you've digested) or the next day
  • Get RIGHT back on track - being extra strict for the days following

Live your life.  Food is a fun, indulgent part of life that you don't have to completely forgo to be healthy.  Just be smart about it.  ...and when you have a moment of weakness, that's what your coaches are here for!

A little more on Cheat Meals from the #BeachbodyBlog.


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