Lose weight. Tone up. Look BOMBASTIC at that event. Increase endurance. #getLIFEready with our support and #TeamBeachbody's life-accommodating plans.

Friday, March 20, 2015

#Shakeology - The Most Delicious, Nutritious Meal of *ANY* Day

11:03 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
#Shakeology is MUCH more than a typical protein shake,
supplement or meal replacement...
It's literally the healthiest thing you can put in your body, AND it tastes like a #cheatmeal!

It's been clinically proven to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and enhance overall health and fitness.

Here's an example... there are few people who have the emotional connection to Starbucks that I do - or rather, did.  (Okay, so maybe there are a lot of people who fit that description. #pointremains)  Every time we've tried "clean eating" or a new "healthy plan", I'd emotionally prepare to not have my daily latte (or two, plus coffee at home), and physically prepare for the inevitable caffeine headache.  Those intense, pounding headaches would last at least 4-5 days and nothing would fix it until it eventually wore off.  I stopped drinking coffee "cold turkey" on the same day I started drinking #Shakeology and haven't had a *single* caffeine headache OR craving for coffee.  The best part is, the $4.30/day that my monthly #Shakeology costs, is less than how much I was spending on lattes and the occasional store-bought smoothies, and I can feel my body enjoying the nutrition.

Shakeology® is the most delicious, nutrient-dense, superfood-packed protein shake on the planet. It’s made with the healthy stuff you should be eating every day, but typically don’t. Shakeology’s the perfect combination of proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics. Plus, it also contains many rare ingredients, including adaptogens, camu-camu, and maca root—things we can’t get from an ordinary diet. So whether you use Shakeology for weight loss, or drink it to optimize your health, this powerful and delicious shake is Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition®

There are literally THOUSANDS of recipes waiting to become your new favorite.  There are recipes to make your daily shakes and to make nutrient-dense treats/desserts that truly taste like dessert without any of the refined/processed, unhealthy junk.  One of our favorite recipes uses the Chocolate Shakeology and blends it with ice, water, 1/2 frozen banana and 1 tbsp of peanut butter.  It's actually BETTER than a PBC from Cold Stone and is truly the healthiest thing we ingest all day.

Check out this video for more information, or just click here to create your free account and purchase your first month's supply.  (If you're still not sure, look for the sampler packs so you can test a few flavors before committing to one.)


Friday, February 27, 2015

Facts on the 21 Day Fix

7:11 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
Did you know, if you consistently adjust your behavior for 21 straight days you will create a new habit?
Thanks to Autumn Calabrese's #21DayFix workout programs, that new habit can be a lifestyle filled with healthy eating and a simplistic, yet effective workout routine -- all of which fits into your daily life!

There are two versions of the #21DayFix: the regular, original #21DayFix and the #21DayFixEXTREME.  Both programs include an easy-to-follow nutrition plan, daily 30 minute workouts (including active recovery days to keep you moving 7 days a week!), and the option to benefit from a significant retail savings by purchasing a "Challenge Pack" and getting the added, delicious, nutritious benefit of #Shakeology!

There are a few key differences.  The differences mainly pertain to how strict the nutrition plan is and the intensity of the daily workouts.

  • Nutrition Plan
    • Determine your target caloric intake using an easy formula, based on your weight
    • The formula then calculates to put you at a daily caloric deficit.  This ensures that, if you accurately follow your meal plan, your daily workouts will result in you burning more calories than you take in and therefore result in weight loss.
    • Once you have a final target caloric intake, it puts you into one of four brackets.  Your bracket will tell you how much of each type of healthy food to eat each day.
      • If you've ever done any other "tracking" or "counting" program, the containers will be a piece of cake for you!  It's THE easiest, most intuitive food tracking I've ever done.
    • Your kit or Challenge Pack will include 7 colored containers of various sizes.  Your bracket will tell you how many of each color to eat per day and what type of food goes into each container.  For example, you may be allotted 5 green containers per day which is your veggies.
      • PSST!  It's a lot of food!  There have been several days where we couldn't finish all of our containers!  Check out the picture on the bottom of the Sample Day of Meals on the 21 Day Fix!
      • One #Shakeology smoothie counts as one red (protein) container and will DEFINITELY be the meal you most look forward too!  Sometimes it feels like a cheat meal, but it's not!  It's THE healthiest meal of the day.  There is truly nothing like it!
        • Remember, a 30-day supply of Shakeology is included in the Challenge Pack.  It's a huge part of your savings!  
    • You can even substitute 3 of your yellow containers (healthy carbs and starches), once per week for a treat or a glass of wine!
    • Daily water goal to keep you hydrated and fueling your body effectively and accurately
  • Working Out:
    • You'll receive a set of DVDs that contain several 30 minute workouts
    • Follow the enclosed schedule to do a different workout every day to keep your muscles guessing and give them time to recover
    • You will be working out 7 days a week!  Two of those days are "active recovery days" where you are still moving, but it's less intense and let's your body stretch and relax while still being worked.
    • The Modifier is an average person who shows variations of every exercise that make it lower impact and easy for ANYONE to do, while also making you work and build strength and muscle
    • Schedule to allow for a "doubles" option for your last week to step it up
    • Requires weights or resistance bands, and highly recommends a mat

  • Nutritional Plan
    • Pre-set meals and snacks for every day of your 21 days
    • Utilizes the meal plan that Autumn uses when she preps for Fitness Competitions
    • Shakeology plays a role here too!  Again, it is THE healthiest, most nutrient-dense nutritional shake in existence and it's DE-LICIOUS! 
    • No excuses or slacking on this meal plan. It's all clean eating and very targeted at muscle recovery and building
    • Daily water goal to keep you hydrated and fueling your body effectively and accurately

    • Working Out:
      • Set of DVDs that contain several 30 minute workouts for every day of the week
      • More intense than The Original and not geared at brand new, beginners trying to hit an initial fitness goal -- aimed at people who already workout very regularly
      • Calendar to follow to keep your workouts interesting and challenging for your body, with an option to double-up for maximum results
      • Requires weights or resistance bands, and highly recommends a mat

    In either case, if you truly commit yourself and follow along for 21 consecutive days, you WILL see results.  You will experience changes in your lifestyle.  You will be one step closer to having the body and lifestyle you want!  If you have small, short-term weight/strength goals, you will likely achieve those thru one round of the #21DayFix.  If you have larger, long-term goals, you are encouraged to repeat the fix over and over until you achieve your goal.  Regardless of how many rounds it takes, once you hit your goal, the program comes with a "maintenance plan" to help you keep your new body and have a long-term, permanent payoff to all of your hard work and dedication.

    Make the change.  See the results.  Be your best YOU and stop waiting for tomorrow to get there... there is NOTHING more important than you being healthy and happy so you can be the BEST in every other area of your life.

    Cost for the programs varies based on how you make your purchase.

    1. Challenge Pack: full starter kit including meal plan information and containers, full set of DVDs, 1st month's supply of Shakeology, shaker cup (individual retail value of $210, typically priced as $160 for the Challenge Pack)
    2. Essentials Kit: full set of DVDs & Meal Plan containers and info (typically around $60)
    3. Meal Plan/Containers Only: information on meal plan, water goal and full set of containers (typically around $25)

    We are excited to put you on your path and guide you in your journey!  Click any link in this post to create your free Team Beachbody account and make your purchase, or email us at GetLifeReady@gmail.com for questions before you begin.

    Still need a little more info to process and decide?  Here's a video about the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme.

    Monday, February 23, 2015

    Pregnant or Nursing - How to Make it Work

    1:38 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
    Two of the most common questions we get asked are how can I incorporate a workout routine if I'm pregnant, and how can the workouts and nutrition work for me if I'm nursing.  
    There is an answer - which is pretty much an overview of info and a very strong recommendation that you speak with your doctor once you feel informed.

    First off, congrats on creating and nurturing life!  Sending smiles, excitement, and vicarious sleep your way!  Secondly, women working to get  back to pre-baby baby are among the largest group of people seeking exercise routines and weight loss plans.  We're excited that you found us and are looking to achieve your goals in a healthy, safe and long-lasting way!

    Let's tackle the recommendations for the two biggest parts of weight loss and getting healthy: exercise and nutrition.

    The level of exercise that your body can handle is very personal and specific to each individual.  If you are pregnant and are typically active, speak to your doctor about the type of exercises The Modifier does and work together to determine if it would be appropriate for your body, your pregnancy and your life at this moment.  If you are nursing, work with your doctor to determine if your milk production has had time to level out and that your body has had ample opportunity to figure out how much your baby needs so adding the workouts doesn't compromise your supply.

    One of the keys in all of this is staying very hydrated and being sure to meet or exceed your water goal daily.

    Nutrition is tricky also because you shouldn't be at a calorie deficit while you are pregnant or nursing.  If you're pregnant, we'll assume you're not looking to lose weight, but perhaps layer your nutritional plan to ensure that your body and your baby are both getting what they need to thrive.  If you're nursing, you are likely worried about the same thing, and perhaps also ready to start dropping those baby pounds while still doing that.  In either case, #Shakeology can be a phenomenal addition to your nutrition!

    It's truly a super food and PACKED with 70 vitamins and nutrients, is genuinely DELICIOUS (especially if you're a peanut butter & chocolate fan like we are!), and works out to about $4.30/day (aka less than my daily latte and former-store-bought-smoothies).  The nutrition information for the Chocolate flavor is below.  We can also provide you with a letter for your doctor clearly outlining the product so you can make an educated, intelligent choice together.

    If you are interested in the #21DayFix and combining the workout and nutrition, while still protecting you and your baby, the general recommendation is to jump up a bracket.  Let's back up... The #21DayFix plan allocates a certain number of containers from each category per day.  (For example, 5 of your containers for the day may be green which counts your servings of veggies.)  The plan determines your number of containers based on your weight and target caloric intake for the day, then it drops your calories down to put you at a caloric deficit.  In other words, it helps ensure that if you properly couple the workouts with the meal plan, you'll be burning more calories than you consume, and eating the right foods, and therefore lose weight and tone up.  Once you purchase the pack and determine your base bracket, Beachbody's recommendation is to jump up one bracket to ensure you're still consuming enough to support your nursing and to check with your doctor to verify this recommendation before beginning.

    If you're pregnant... the nutrition should work well if you followed the maintenance plan and not the calorie deficient one. It will help you eat proper portions, focus on clean eating and not processed junk, and make sure you're eating ALL the right things. if you find you're hungry, you just add more veggies and protein.
    In addition to considering your level of fitness prior to pregnancy, the exercise portion can absolutely work too once you talk to your doctor about: 1. Maximum weights to lift 2. Maximum heart rate to make sure you don't exceed 3. How long your heart rate can be elevated 4. Any particular moves/exercises/body positions that you should avoid
    All of that will help you workout to the maximum that you can, and know when to modify and how. We can help you figure out modifications if they vary significantly from the video for certain ones. It would also be very helpful and wise to get a watch with a heart monitor chest strap that can alert you when you're getting close to your maximum heart rate to make sure you stay in your range.

    Bottom line, your baby will benefit from your body being healthy and your muscles being strong.  It's IMPERATIVE to clear all of this with your doctor and know what your personal limits are, and to pay very close attention to your body's reactions.

    Hopefully that answers a lot of the initial questions you have and gives you enough information to start figuring out if you're interested in learning more.  We are always here to help!  Please feel free to email further, more specific questions to GetLifeReady@gmail.com, or to request the Shakeology Info letter for your doctor.  Please also feel free to print this post and bring it to your appointment with you to discuss.

    And hey, keep growing and feeding that baby!  You're #AhMAZING!! :)

    Friday, February 20, 2015

    Why Did I *GAIN* Weight?!

    10:20 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
    Few things are more infuriating than stepping on the scale after a few days of KILLING it with your workout program and eating plan and seeing that number jump UP!
    Don't let that moment of frustration throw you off your game!  There is a very good, reasonable explanation...

    Your gain can be a result of any combination of the following:

    We've all heard it and seen the examples in Middle School Health Class, muscle weighs more than fat.  Roll your eyes if you must, but that doesn't make it any less true.  You're literally transforming your body and turning that unhealthy, unsightly fat we all want to get rid of into productive, lean, dense, beautiful, sexy and healthy MUSCLE.  Let it do it's transformation thing and give it time to balance out the scales.  #puntotallyintended
    Caveat: we realize that 1lb of anything is equal to 1lb of anything else. #pointremains

    You're likely experiencing at least some muscle soreness after your workouts because you're challenging yourself and constantly stepping it up as needed and able.  When your muscles are sore, it's because they're retaining lactic acid and they're inflamed from being worked so hard.  Don't worry - this is a normal byproduct of muscle metabolism.  It can take up to 5 days for your muscles to fully recover, depending on the intensity of the workout.

    Your body is adjusting.  If you're following an eating plan, make sure you're eating ENOUGH and not omitting too many containers or calories.  Your body needs those nutrients and goes into a little bit of a shock mode to make sure it has the energy it  needs.

    The Beachbody Blog has more details on this topic and so does this post.

    Bottom line, it's normal and okay.  Do NOT let it deter you.  It HAS to work... there is no magic pill to weight loss or getting fit.  The only way to get in shape is eating healthy and working out.  Be patient.  Stay focused.  WORK for it.  It didn't happen overnight, so don't expect it to reverse overnight..  POWER through and focus on making CHANGES - not results.

    Thursday, February 19, 2015

    Build Your Personal Support System

    12:36 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
    Not to sound full of ourselves, but one of Beachbody's greatest perks is the opportunity to work with your own personal coach who can cheer you on, hit you with a hard reality, answer your questions, and celebrate your successes!  Our energy and effort will only go so far if you don't have the personal support system to back it up.

    Everyone who is trying to better themselves has a different reason, and a different very personal struggle to overcome.  Isolating yourself from those who can and want to help you, or surrounding yourself with people who are not committed to your success will not help you achieve your goals!

    People who support you play a lot of roles and can participate in a lot of ways...

    Understanding that this is important to you and that you may have certain restrictions on your eating and/or schedule so you can do your best for you.  (Ma, that means to please stop trying to force feed me ice cream because "you only live once"!  I'd like for my "once" to be a healthy and very long one!)

    Encouraging you on your rough days and acknowledging your good choices on your good days.

    Participating in your journey either by directly joining us and doing it with you, or talking to you about your progress and plan.  (One of our favorite parts is seeing our 4 year old daughter try to do the workouts with us, and answering her questions about our healthy plan and the good choices we're making.  #leadbyexample)

    Celebrating your scale victories and your #NSV's - your non scale victories!  Every achievement from successfully avoiding those delicious donuts in the office kitchen to dropping a clothing size to hitting your goal weight is worthy of celebration and acknowledgement.

    Get your family and friends involved in your journey... they want to celebrate YOU even more than we do!

    Too Sore to Workout

    12:27 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
    Here's a harsh reality from coaches who want you to succeed: if you're too sore, too bad.  Do it anyway!  
    We have never once regretted getting our workout in (even if we didn't set any PR's - personal records), but we always regret skipping it!

    When we started our first #21DayFix, we did Total Body Cardio on Day 1 and were close to being unable to walk until almost day 4.  That didn't stop us from getting up every morning and putting our strongest foot forward - even though we weren't sure which one felt "strong" at all! ;)

    Remember, you always have the option of modifying and slowing down.  Just keep moving!  If it's really that bad, change the order of the workouts so you're not doing a Lower Fix when your quads feel as if they may snap.

    TIPS to reduce soreness: HYDRATE, stretch after workouts and before bed, take an anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen, etc.), and follow Autumn's tips

    Like Autumn says, you're only giving up on yourself and you ARE stronger than your excuses!  #getLIFEready

    Disclaimer: Know your body's personal limits and know the difference between soreness and pending injury.

    Workout Time of Day

    12:22 PM Posted by Unknown No comments
    From a health perspective, there is no benefit to working out at one time of day versus another.  There are, however, psychological considerations to ponder when planning your workouts.

    One of your coaches MUST workout in the morning to achieve optimum success.  Her theory is that when she works out in the morning, she is motivated all day to stay on plan because she got up too early and worked too hard to waste the effort with a bad food choice.  When she works out at night, not only does her body feel slower and therefore less successful, all day long she knows her workout will be tonight.  That knowledge allows her to more easily "justify" a bad choice with the mantra "I'll just burn this off later".

    Your other coach, however, prefers to workout early-mid afternoon once her body has had plenty of time to wake up, and has had some sustenance, but not a full day's worth yet.

    Figure out what works best for you personally and stick with it!  ...as long as you're not regularly skipping workouts, you're on a ROLL!